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Beekast and ChatGPT: a winning combination for engaging and productive training sessions

Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our world, seamlessly coexisting with traditional technology. Utilizing AI-powered tools can significantly reduce business costs and enhance return on investment with ease.

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of AI has become a race among major companies, all seeking to optimize productivity and accelerate automation. 

Amidst this competition, several revolutionary technologies have emerged, including the game-changing ChatGPT. Its emergence represents a significant step forward in the field of AI. So, how does it all work?

What is ChatGPT? What makes it revolutionary?

ChatGPT represents a breakthrough in conversational agents, harnessing the power of the GPT-3 language model to generate accurate and relevant responses across a wide range of domains, including science, history, and economics.

Since its launch last year in a free version, ChatGPT has quickly gained popularity among users seeking reliable and informative interactions. Now, a new paid version has been introduced to offer an even more seamless and enhanced user experience.

This revolutionary tool utilizes the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to transform the way we interact with technology, providing not only answers but also advice and guidance towards achieving our goals. With ChatGPT, the possibilities for seamless human-machine communication are truly endless.

Beekast & ChatGPT to promote learner engagement:

Beekast is a interactive platform designed to revolutionize the way you manage and track your meetings and training sessions. Boasting a user-friendly interface and a host of interactive features, it enables you to easily create and deploy a range of activities to make your sessions more engaging and effective.

Whether you’re running remote or in-person training sessions, Beekast offers a range of tools to help you keep your learners motivated and fully engaged. And now, with ChatGPT, you can further enhance your training sessions by incorporating relevant training content or evaluation activities seamlessly.

By combining the power of Beekast and ChatGPT, you can create truly immersive and productive training sessions that will help your learners develop new skills and achieve their goals with ease. With Beekast and ChatGPT, the possibilities for effective and engaging training sessions are endless.

Furthermore, the integration of these two platforms enables you to conduct in-depth data analysis, providing you with valuable insights into your learners’ progress and performance. 

To maximize the potential of these powerful tools in your digital training, we recommend following these simple yet effective steps:

  • Create and develop your Beekast session: To create compelling training modules that align with your session goals and theme, ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool. By suggesting key points to highlight in your training, ChatGPT can help you streamline the development process and focus on the most important information.

However, to ensure that ChatGPT provides the most accurate and relevant guidance, it is essential to provide it with certain critical elements. These include the training goals, the topic or subject matter, and the profile of the participants. Armed with this information, ChatGPT can deliver highly targeted recommendations that cater to the unique needs of your learners.

In addition to guiding you on training module development, ChatGPT can also assist you in selecting the most appropriate Beekast activities for your training. It can even provide suggestions for questions to include in activities such as surveys or multiple-choice quizzes, helping to enhance learner engagement and participation.

With the integration of Google Slides and PowerPoint in Beekast, you can easily create enriched content directly from your ChatGPT request. This streamlined approach enables you to quickly and easily create compelling and effective training content, ensuring that your learners receive the highest quality educational experience possible.

In this way, you can simply add the activities to your Beekast session and incorporate its various suggestions.

  • Create the questionnaire: With the “Quiz” activity, ChatGPT can take your training evaluation to the next level by suggesting the most relevant and effective questions to assess your participants’ understanding and knowledge. 

This allows you to create a more engaging and interactive learning experience that helps to ensure your learners fully grasp the training objectives. With ChatGPT’s ability to suggest relevant activities and questions, and Beekast’s range of easy-to-use interactive features, your learners are sure to be more engaged and attentive.

Furthermore, the ability to request ChatGPT to provide the correct answers and justifications for questions not only reinforces the learning but also helps to build confidence and motivation. 

  • Track learners’ evolution: at the end of your training course, Beekast allows you to download a comprehensive report in either Word or Excel format, providing you with a summary of the data collected during your training session. If you’ve used a video conferencing tool that offers a transcript of the exchange, you’ll have an additional report at your disposal. By leveraging ChatGPT’s powerful natural language processing capabilities, you can merge these two reports and distill the most relevant information from your training.

Using this report, you can be confident that your participants have acquired the necessary skills and gained a solid understanding of the key concepts presented in your training. If you notice that certain learners are struggling, you can adjust your training content or schedule additional sessions to better support their learning needs. By analyzing the data collected from your training sessions, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your approach for future training courses.

By leveraging ChatGPT and Beekast, you can not only obtain crucial insights but also ask targeted questions to your learners to ensure their understanding of the discussed topics, ultimately leading to significant time savings in creating quizzes, surveys, and forms.

Moreover, this combination makes your training sessions more engaging and productive, with Beekast’s interactive quizzes and ChatGPT’s personalized content suggestions. As a result, your learners can easily absorb and retain the training material.

It is worth noting that although ChatGPT can provide relevant resources and techniques for your training, human expertise is still vital in handling feedback and ensuring the success of your training program.


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