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Beekast flying out to Las Vegas at the CES 2019

Greatly proud to announce our participation in next CES 2019 that will be held from January 8 to 11in Las Vegas ! Selected by the IMT (Center for innovation and entrepreneurship in France), Beekast will exhibit its Collective Intelligence solution at the 2019 CES in Las Vegas. Our booth 53110 will be located in the heart of Eureka Park, the exhibition space dedicated to startups.

A startup that keeps innovating !

Thanks to its innovative solution, Beekast attracts and retains through its ability to reinvent meetings, trainings or seminars by making them more interactive and collaborative. Since its creation in 2015 and, thanks to a loan of honor granted by the Fondation Mines-Telecom and a successful fundraising of 2.7 million euros, Beekast has been rapidly expanding. Today it is one of the best leading companies in the SaaS market. The CES will be an opportunity to introduce all the latest features developed by Beekast in 2018, such as the smart generated report or its videoconferencing session… But also to showcase the innovations to make your meetings even simpler and efficient !

As a real business booster in the United States, the CES is the key event for startups as well as innovative companies. Some illustrative figures *: * 3900 exhibitors * 170 000 visitors * 150 represented countries The CES is one of the biggest tech and innovation event in the world. During this event, the best startup among the 20 finalists will be awarded with the Innovation Bercy-IMT prize, worth 50,000 euros. Will Beekast be the big winner?

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About IMT : With a network of 11 incubators supported by its engineering schools, IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) is the first network of incubators in higher education institutions. Beekast is a fruit of the telecom incubator, SudParis / IMT-BS.