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 in  Training
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Distance Education with Beekast

Beekast has thought of everything so you can organise and host e-learning classes. Great for education and training professionals alike, bring your learners together on your Beekast session to promote active learning.

Asynchronous mode: training at the learner’s pace

Asynchronous mode allows the organiser to configure sessions that the participant will control: the student is in charge of their learning. They progress at their own pace through the activities and the learning process.


How to organise distance education

Integrate your educational content into a Beekast session. Enliven your content by completing it with interactive activities like the Word Cloud and Prioritisation. Follow up with assessments like MCQs and Rankings.

beekast MCQ

Learners then log in to their session from their device, tablet, computer or smartphone and view the educational content, each at their own pace. They participate in interactive activities and get a score.

Beekast’s benefits: numerous—but easy to understand—moderation settings (moderate messages, choose score display in points or percentages, etc.) 

Learn more about asynchronous mode >>>

The Beekast Journey: track learners’ progress remotely

The Journey view allows the trainer to remotely watch the progress of each learner in real-time.

Is one of your learners stuck? Contact them to provide real-time assistance.

Like a challenge? All learners also have access to the Journey view and can follow their friend’s progress in real-time. The competitive spirit will encourage some to want to get through the educational activities faster. A great way to catch learners’ attention.

Evaluate learners’ progress remotely

When the training session is complete, export the automatic session report. Here, you will find all the contributions from your learners along with individual and group training data.

This feature enables you to follow up on learners remotely. You can contact each participant individually to discuss their scores and redirect their next learning sessions based on the analysed data.

Trainers or teachers? It’s time to try Beekast to host your e-learning classes.