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 in  Collaborations
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3 ways to animate and unite around your company seminars

Federating and involving your audience during corporate seminars is your major challenge. Taking stock and opening discussions around future projects is obvious! Moreover, emotion should be one of your main concerns in order to make your event memorable in the eyes of your colleagues or your client.

We have therefore imagined for you a concrete way to take stock, unite around your successes and imagine tomorrow’s projects by involving your team.

Federate around the successes of the past year

Bringing together the successes of the past months is a good way to federate and involve employees: propose a time during which you list the key figures (a record turnover? The acquisition of a new company? A significant cost reduction at a production site? It is up to you to present your best accomplishments and insist on the role of each and every one of you in these projects.

Involve your guests and remind them that they are the ones who make your business successful.

In order to interact with your audience during this moment, at Beekast, we use the Ranking activity: we resume all the great moments of the last 6 months, which we classify in chronological order. Then the participants have to put them back in order! It is an opportunity to take stock in a playful way, then to congratulate, for example, the support pole for the quality of its work and its support to the sales teams, which enabled us to achieve our objectives. Applause!

Take stock, all together

After congratulating your colleagues, bounce back and take stock of the past year. You outlined the company’s greatest moments and successes. Now you can focus on the individual notices! Survey your coworkers on the atmosphere within the company, the working environment, the canteen, all the subjects on which you want a feedback from your teammates.

Put your guests in the spotlight and identify areas for improvement to make the right decisions and take the right actions, according to them. For example, ask your employees: “How do you rate the quality of our new canteen? You will be able to listen and your guests will have the opportunity to express themselves on important subjects of their daily lives.

On Beekast, we use the Rating activity. Participants have the opportunity to answer your question with a rating system, ranging for example from 1 to 6 stars.

You can also explore a topic in more depth. Ask your audience to participate in an interactive Form, which proposes a series of questions, with, for example, a rating and a field to make comments on this famous new canteen.

Plan your future projects

The projects carried out are the accomplishment of collaborative work within the company. The same applies logically to future projects. By consulting your participants in prioritizing future projects, you will be able to engage them over the long term. The development of a vision involving your colleagues will help you develop a strategy supported by those who build it!

Let your colleagues give their opinion on the priorities for the coming year. Using the Prioritization activity, you can ask everyone: “What are the priorities in future projects? All participants can prioritize objectives by awarding a number of points according to their importance. You can then discuss the results of this prioritization with your audience and adapt the long-term vision of the company!