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 in  Product Updates
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Presentation of new session home page

The all-new Beekast session home page is coming to smartphones and your computer. Follow the guide to learn all about this little change that will greatly improve your user experience.

Updated home page enhances your experience

Whether you’re an organiser or a participant, you’ll notice that your session home page has changed. To help you get the most out of Beekast, you’ll now be guided around the site when you get to the new personalised home page.

For participants

In the past, when you joined a session from your account, only the discussion space appeared next to the presentation slides.

Now, your home screen updates in real time based on:

  • how far along you are in the session or where things are in the live session
  • what activities are available for you to participate in
  • what results and scores you’ve gotten during the session

Session indicators also tell you at a glance how many messages have been posted in a discussion and how many total participants there are in a particular session.

Finally, sections divide the presentation into different topic areas. You can jump into the one you want to look at with just one click.

This new home page adjusts to you and points you in the right direction as you move through the session.

For organisers

We’ve improved the moderator role functionality in Beekast by updating the session organizer home page to make it a true dashboard.

You have at-a-glance access to controls for the current session, like presentation mode, connection options, result publication and more.

Session indicators give you a quick look at the session’s key numbers: the number of slides, the number of messages posted in the discussion and the number of participants in your session.

Stats are also available to help you keep an eye on how your participants are doing, with real-time completion rates, average scores and Bees.

Control tabs visibility

You’re going to love the latest new feature.

You can now control which tabs appear in a session. Hide tabs and then activate them live at just the right time during the presentation. This is another way to spice up your presentations, encourage more participation and organise your sessions more easily.

This is just a small update, but it will be a huge improvement for the user experience, both for participants and session organisers.

Here’s to happier meetings!

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