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New team management methods

Younger generations joining the workforce have redrawn the map of traditional management techniques. They’re looking for modern, innovative ways of working, which pushes their managers to change management styles and make adjustments to adapt to some of their expectations. These digital natives need to feel motivated and connected to their company, which is driving managers to adopt new strategies.  

Management 2.0 

Some leaders have had to adapt their managerial skills to promote teamwork based on collective intelligence and each person’s need to feel they belong within the organisation. The digital transformation has enabled them to quickly adjust to these new needs. Managers and employees have identified a balanced approach through flexible working methods supported by new collaborative tools. 


  • Horizontal management

As opposed to vertical management, horizontal management puts the manager with their team, transforming the relationship with their employees. Since they’re on the same level as the team, the difference in authority and power that is often seen as a barrier typically disappears. 

People are talking around a table

This method helps create a climate of confidence among employees and managers so discussions are built on trust and sharing knowledge and skills. Also called collaborative management, this approach breaks down the traditional hierarchical pyramid structure within a company. Each person’s well-being is emphasised, which promotes team spirit, kindness and mutual support. And discussions are smoother and facilitated by faster information sharing.


  • Laissez-faire management 

Laissez-faire management involves giving employees a basic framework and then allowing them to work independently. In other words, providing freedom to a team leaves room for each person’s creativity. The manager sets clear objectives but employees are free to choose how they will reach these goals. 

They use this freedom to find their own solutions to problems they encounter. In this way, the entire team makes progress together on things that probably wouldn’t have come up in a more structured environment. 

Laissez-faire management, as opposed to hands-on management, is a technique implemented to motivate and engage employees by boosting their creativity. 


  • Remote management 

Teleworking has become a fairly frequent working method these days. Managers have had to implement new methods of work organisation to address expectations from younger generations for more flexibility and freedom and to deal with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This has led to a rise in remote management. 

This method requires attention to detail and independence and it has been able to develop using collaborative software and communication tools (like Beekast). These help all remote team members to feel more engaged and motivated. 

People are talking behind their computer

Since everyone needs opportunities to interact in order to grow, maintaining a regular connection is essential to fulfil work requirements. 


  • Fun management 

Fun management, also called gamification, is a work method that uses games to reach objectives. Using digital tools, this method helps employees concentrate and keeps them more involved with their tasks. 

Somebody who wins a remote activity

An employee who feels motivated in their work will perform better and want to learn new skills. In response, some companies have taken the decision to introduce an entertaining working model the uses gaming mechanisms. By strengthening each person’s sense of belonging, employees feel more motivated, boost their team spirit and promote a climate of wellness.  


Eight keys to managing well 

Traditional management models like the paternalistic or directive models are being challenged. Organisations are now developing new managerial approaches to effectively adapt to hybrid work environments and new employee expectations. 


Here are eight keys that will help you make good progress as a team: 

  • trust between employees and their manager improves team agility
  • engagement and motivation among employees boost performance
  • employee well-being supports motivation and effectiveness
  • agile thinking expands each person’s independence
  • collaboration among team members facilitates action and decision-making
  • creativity on the team improves performance and supports innovation
  • highlighting group efforts helps you reach objectives 
  • people-first mindset encourages kindness


These days, managers must regularly demonstrate empathy and an ability to adapt and be responsive. Doing so will affect a company’s performance and its ability to grow. 

Looking for a solution to engage and motivate your employees? Try Beekast for free!