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Beekast: An Effective Tool for Progress Meetings

An effective meeting is a meeting that is prepared in advance, run properly and wrapped up efficiently. It’s important to hold progress meetings to take stock of past events, to address the key points at a given time and to determine what actions need to be taken. By reviewing progress, you can keep an overall awareness of your goals, missions and successes. 

In this post, we’ll discuss the challenges involved in effective progress reviews and how Beekast can help you optimize your results! 

The challenges of a good progress meeting 

Run a retrospective

By looking at past events, you can take stock what worked…and what didn’t. You’ll then be able to identify the causes of these successes and failures. By comparing projects that foundered with those that flourished, you can improve, correct and adapt your project management and decision-making. 

Running a retrospective helps to create an awareness of missions accomplished and the development of each team member. It is then possible to extract both the good and the bad to analyse them. 

Take stock of what’s happening now 

Ongoing projects are very important: reviewing progress encourages you to take a step back to see how much progress has been made compared to the initial timeline. Keeping track of your projects improves responsiveness and agility.

You should also touch on difficulties encountered so you can quickly find solutions before time constraints become overwhelming. 

Look ahead 

A progress review is an ideal time to define the main areas for improvement in ongoing projects and to plan for the medium and long terms. 

It becomes easier to implement corrective actions after you analyse the causes of a project’s successes and failures to improve agility and stay on schedule. 

During these meetings, it’s important to remember the agenda and meeting notes. These are essential to improving efficiency during a meeting and properly preparing your next meeting.

Optimise your meetings with Beekast

Beekast’s inspiration site offers ready-to-use templates to tackle all the challenges in the progress review meeting via fun activities that are easy to set up. Depending on what your goals are, you can choose one to help you solve issues, to look ahead to accomplish your future ambitions or even to check in on your projects. 


The speedboat is a brainstorming activity that gets a group thinking about the driving forces behind a team and what forces are slowing them down by addressing strengths, constraints and obstacles. 

Drop Add Keep Improve (DAKI)

Use this activity to make choices for the future and adopt a continuous improvement approach. The DAKI is a way to focus on the actions everyone wants: drop, add, keep, remove. A summary and action plan for the future can then be quickly produced. 

10/10 Perfection Game

The purpose of this type of meeting is to find areas for improvement together. A score is assigned to a project to assess its progress. Reasons for the choice then need to be given, along with an explanation of what was missing from the project for it to have gotten a better score.


This activity is an easy way to factually examine a past period and implement actions for improvement. In this brainstorming session, each participant says what they liked during the project, what they learned, what went wrong for them and what they want do next. 


This activity is ideal for deciding on actions to implement to improve teamwork. Ask your team how they see the objectives and what they think is needed: continue, stop, do less, do more and start. 

Reviewing progress is key to achieving the best possible results in your projects. It provides an opportunity to learn about the progress made by the team, any roadblocks and the successes of each person.

Try Beekast to get the most out of your progress meetings!